Reflect yourself dear.

Assalamualaikum , dah lama gila rasanya aku tak berjiwang jawang kat blog aku ni . tangan aku dah gian nak menaip hoho . ok stop . jom start.

Kau pernah rasa  tak yang orang tak hargai diri kau , tak memahami diri kau , tak dapat terima baik buruk kau . Kau rasa macam selama ni kau yang banyak paham orang , hargai orang tapi apa yang kau dapat ? nothing . zero .

Tapi kau pernah reflect balik diri kau . maksud aku attitude kau terhadap orang sekeliling ?

Once in your lifetime , you should do a reflection towards yourself . maksud aku diri depan cermin dan fikir balik apa yang kau pernah buat .takyah depan cermin pun takpe . sekurang-kurangnya sebelum tidur , kau ambil masa fikir apa yang kau buat sepanjang hari .

Kadang-kadang kita tak sedar percakapan kita ni menyinggung hati dan perasaan orang . Kadang-kadang kita rasa diri kita je betul . kadang-kadang kita ni terlalu memilih orang yang kita nak berkawan . yela ada orang nak kawan yang pandai je , cantik je , kaya je . yang tak cantik , tak pandai , tak kaya , kau hina . Kita ni manusia biasa je . Dekat atas sana ada yang lagi besar dan berkuasa dari kita yang tengah perhatikan kita .

bukan aku tak pernah jumpa manusia macam ni . kita kena ingat hidup kita ni macam roda . tak selamanya kita di atas .

Kadang-kadang nikmat yang Allah bagi tu lagi menjauhkan kita dariNya .

Bila kita reflect balik apa yang kita buat , insyaAllah kita akan tahu kenapa orang tak hargai kita , tak faham kita . mungkin kita tak ikhlas dalam nak memahami orang , tak ikhlas dalam nak menghargai orang .

Kalau niat kita dah ikhlas tapi tetap orang lain buat macam tu jugak dekat kita . penyelesaian dia satu je . Sabar dan berdoa . Kita masih punya Allah yang tak pernah penat mendengar rintihan kita .

ikan kembung masak 3 rasa .

ok kali ni aku nak share resepi ikan kembung masak 3 rasa pulak . sebab dah bosan asyik masak sambal n masak lemak cili padi . so boleh la try resepi ni .

bahan utama:
ikan kembung yang sudah siap disiang dan dibersihkan.

bahan-bahan dicincang halus:
1 biji bawang merah/ bawang merah
3 biji bawang putih
1 inci halia
2 biji cili merah 
5 biji cili padi(kalau nak pedas sikit la)
2 sudu besar cili kering yang sudah siap dikisar

cara membuatnya:

1) mula-mula panaskan periuk dan letak sedikit minyak di dalamnya , masukkan air dan biar ia mendidih.
2) kemudian masukkan ikan dan biarkan ikan tersebut masak.
3) asingkan ikan tersebut.

cara untuk membuat sos 3 rasa:

1)panaskan minyak dan masukkan cili kering . goreng sehingga garing
2) kemudian masukkan bahan-bahan yang dicincang halus.
3) tambah sos cili , sos blackpaper , sos tiram , perahan limau , garam , gula , kicap manis secukup rasa.

taburkan kuah tersebut di atas ikan dan hidangkan.

Tetap tersenyum walau diuji .

Assalamualaikum semua .

Aku tahu semua orang pernah di uji dalam kehidupan seharian mereka . mungkin kau dan kau juga pernah merasa di uji . tapi mampukah kau tetap tersenyum apabila kau di uji . Tahap seseorang manusia itu di uji pun berbeza . Tapi Allah takkan menguji melebihi kemampuan hambanya . Walaupun kita belum jumpa penamatnya . Walaupun hati kita berdebar dengan apa yang bakal kita tempuhi tetapi teruskan berjalan dan bermohon supaya kita di beri kekuatan .

Pernaah dengar tak kisah seorang perempuan yang hasratnya baik ingin menolong kupu-kupu yang dilihatnya susah untuk keluar dari kepompong . Lalu dia mengambil gunting dan memotong kepompong tersebut . Dengan harapan sayap kupu-kupu tersebut akan terbuka , membesar dan berkembang . Tetapi wanita itu hampa apabila kupu-kupu tersebut tidak mampu terbang dan hanya merangkak .

Wanita baik hati itu tidak mengerti bahawa kepompong yang menjerat  dan perjuangan yang diperlukan oleh kupu-kupu untuk keluar dari lubang kecil itu adalah cara ALLAH untuk mendorong cairan tubuh dari kupu-kupu ke sayapnya, agar kuat dan siap untuk terbang setelah bebas dari kepompongnya nanti. 

Begitulah juga kita sebagai manusia . Apabila Allah membolehkan kita hidup tanpa di uji  , itu hanya membuatkan kita lemah dan kita tak akan sekuat sekarang dan berjaya seperti hari ini . 


ok actually post ni aku copy dari

post ni aku copy sebab sangat la sesuai dengan apa yang aku rasa , apa yang aku lalui sekarang ni . siapa yang nak baca boleh tengok dekat link ni . aku tak pandai describe apa yang aku rasa tapi post ni memang describe apa yang aku rasa

To Boys Who Disappear Completely.

There are things that happened in life and we just don't know why they happened. Whether it is for bad or good, or both of it, most of the incidents that happens to you will change you, will shape you into another person, to have another perceptions and ways of thinking. None of those events were insignificant. Countless relationships that begins with the sweetest memories and ended up with reasons that you cannot comprehend. Even when later, you have new people who will stick around and love you until death, you will never forget the ones who breaks you, the one who ask for your heart and devour it with greed, and then leave.

And for that, I would like to say fuck you.
To the boys who disappeared completely.

There are times when I refuse to love again and I feel that my heart is as cold as the deepest ocean, and I blame those boys. I blame them for making me feel the wrath of hell of being heartbroken. I blame those boys who leave because I couldn't stop thinking about all the promises they have made before, and I couldn't accept that people change, for better or for worst. I couldn't accept how bitter I am. Love songs annoys me, couples holding hands making me cringe and I purposely make my life a lot more miserable by caving in from other people. I just...shut it all out.

I couldn't blame myself when people are questioning my bitterness, because of the selfishness I felt in me. They said time will heal all the broken hearts and wounds. But each day, I woke up, sweating, experiencing night terrors of remembering every happy moments I've once had. The feeling is beyond terrifying. It splits myself into two, the one who wanted to be happy again, the one who misses all the explosions of feelings and desires to be someone else's. And there is me, my present self, who just wanted to stay away from the world and protect whatever pieces I have left in me. I refused to let anyone in.

But for that, I would like to say thank you.
To the boys who disappeared completely without a trace.

Because during that moment of bitterness, I have learned to make improvements of myself. I have learn that the ultimate of love is when you learn to love yourself. To accept every disfigured limbs, ugly scars and rain of thoughts. I have learn to be more focus towards my goals in life, to appreciate every single kindness that I have received. Most importantly, I have learn to relate with people, to see straight into their eyes and feel the sadness that they have repressed. Just like me.

The biggest connection between humans is not happiness, but pain. Along the journey of moving on from the trauma of being left by the boys who disappeared completely, I have learn to help others to mend their wounds, and it helps me. I realized that with every broken souls I have met, my sadness didn't matters. Having my revenge doesn't matter too. It wouldn't change anything. I have learned to make use of it to gain a better insight in life. I didn't even feared Death because it is not me who have hurt and murdered the love in others, but you, the boy who disappeared completely.

You're the one who is at lost in life. You're the one who consistently breaking other people's dream and ran away from it. You are a coward. Indecisive, you don't even know what you want. You are just a boy who love to play around without the intention to commit. You are not yet a man, you haven't grow a pair of balls. I would like to see how will you answer before God about your notorious reputations. 

You will be sorry, for disappearing completely, for running away from all the conflicts and mess you've caused. You have rejected your own responsibilities to atleast end it properly. You choose to disappear without a trace. When the time comes, there will be no one for you to ask forgiveness from. And I promised you, when it is time for you to depart with Death, every flashes of every tears of another human you've caused will make you shudder.

Until then dear boys, I wish you the very best in life.

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